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She That Believed

"And blessed is she that believed: for there shall be a performance of those things which were told her from the Lord." {Luke 1:45}

In my choir here at BYU, we have a semester-long theme to focus on in our efforts to perform and share the Spirit through song.

I was having a hard time the day that we had our choir's Winter Semester retreat, and as the new semester theme was introduced, my mind was blown and my heart melted. I felt God's love for me.

Our new theme was: Blessed is she that believed.

The theme came before a set of verses that corresponded with one of our songs from last semester. In the New Testament, an interaction between Mary, the mortal mother of Jesus Christ, and her cousin Elizabeth, is recorded, and it is truly inspiring.

As soon as Mary greeted her cousin, Elizabeth felt her baby stir within her and knew that Mary was the mother of the Son of God.

About Mary she said, "And blessed is she that believed: for there shall be a performance of those things which were told her from the Lord." {Luke 1:45}

This verse teaches me a lot about the importance and power of believing. We learn from the scriptures that there are various spiritual gifts related to faith, such as the gift of faith and the gift to believe on the words of those who bear testimony of their faith. I think that in a world that constantly tries to discourage and confuse us, sometimes it can be hard to believe. But our Heavenly Father has told us that we will be blessed even for having the desire to believe.

I wonder how Mary dealt with time of uncertainty or doubt. Maybe she sometimes felt insecure. Maybe she knew that she had a special calling and responsibility as earthly mother of the Savior, but maybe she looked around and saw the talents that others had that she didn't. Maybe she felt it an overwhelming or intimidating task to birth and raise the only perfect Person to ever walk the earth. Maybe she didn't understand fully why she and her family had to undergo discomfort and trial and why her Son had to suffer and die for mankind.

But, I think that there were some things that she did know that she held onto in these moments of confusion and stress. As Elaine S. Dalton said of her own mother, "She understood who she was and whose she was—a daughter of God." She also knew what had been promised to her and her ancestors, and how the Lord had fulfilled those promises in the past. She showed gratitude. She didn't know how her life was going to go, but she trusted the promises of the Lord and His timing for her life.

I don't think that her life turned out exactly like she planned it.

Her prophesied child, the Son of God, was born in a manger in a city away from home.

She conceived this Child by the power of the Spirit. Her firstborn son was the Son of God, with a very unique and daunting mission.

These things were likely not what Mary expected for her life, but in the end, they were better.

In the world today, we remember the Babe born in the manger and His earthly parents who provided for Him.

We remember the miraculous means of His birth.

We remember the way that Mary pondered in her heart the miraculous and mission of her son, the Only Begotten of the Father.

So what I gained from this verse was this: Like Mary, I can believe in God and trust His plan for my life perfectly. My life may not turn out exactly the way I expect it to. But I know that God has a plan for me. I know that He has made promises to me individually. And while I don't know the specifics of how those promises will be fulfilled, I can have faith and patience like Mary and trust that they will all come together and be wonderful in the end.

So if you're waiting to see promised blessings fulfilled in your life, or if your life isn't turning out exactly the way you thought it would, have faith and keep being one who believes. You're not alone.

"In the end, if we just hold on, maybe our Heavenly Father say of us, Blessed is she that believed." As hard as this life is, He will lead us along and help us to feel peace. Though easier said than done, I think He feels real joy when we seek to give our will to Him and to listen to His quiet voice assuring us that the things He has promised us will come to pass--in His timing and way, the most wonderful way.

Love you all so much! Thank you for everything you do and the amazing people and examples you are.



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Hi, I'm Abby! I am a brand new freshman at Brigham Young University I love to sing, I absolutely adore my nieces and nephews, and I am a lover of deep quotes! I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and it has affected every aspect of my life. I am excited to share a little bit about my daily life and maybe learn a bit about you, too!

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